Sunday, 15 May 2011

Bimuno -Don't let travellers diarrhoea ruin your trip - It Really Works

I have just recently returned from a wonderful trip to Egypt and decided to try Bimuno, a product which we recommend and sell in clinic. I always seem to experience stomach problems when I go away and was very keen to give this product a try myself and discover what all the fuss is about. I have to say it is fantastic and for the first time ever I did not suffer from an upset tummy.
I was very worried about going to Egypt, especially after the recent troubles, shark attack and reading a recent report that Egypt in fact ranks higher than India for cases of travellers diarrhoea. Well I ate everything and experience only 1 day where I had slight cramps. For me this is a miracle as I am usually plagued all week, even in low risk destinations like Spain.
Having tried Bimuno now,  I am more than happy to continue recommending it to patients as a great product to reduce the risk of getting travellers diarrhoea.

What is Bimuno?

Bimuno is a unique second generation prebiotic Galacto-oligosaccharide formulation. It helps encourage and sustain a healthy level of your gut’s ‘good’ bacteria (Bifidobacteria) helping to prevent “bad bacteria” from becoming established. Unlike other prebiotics it also has unique anti-adhesive properties, which help the body to drive out “bad” bacteria .
It is very easy to take and comes in either a powder or pastille. I chose the Bimuno pastilles for my trip and found it very easy to take. You take 3 pastilles a day for 7 days before your trip and every day you are away. The pastilles have a pleasant taste and should be taken after breakfast every day to be most effective.

How effective is Bimuno?

In a scientific study 8 out of 10 travellers to high risk destination experienced a diarrhoea-free trip

Those travellers that did experience diarrhoea, experienced less cramps and found symptoms were reduced by half the time,  if they had taken Bimuno.

Written by:

Jane Bell RGN